Simple ethical investment portfolio

If you’ve got some money sitting in your bank account (almost certainly earning zero interest) or you’re paying into your workplace pension every month, you might be investing unethically without actually realising.

Why not put your money to work in a place that reflects your everyday values?

An easy starting point is switching your bank account to an ethical provider, which for people based in the UK is super straightforward thanks to the current account switch service.

There’s a great guide to ethical banks and current accounts in the UK at Curiously Conscious. TL;DR – check out Triodos Bank, Starling, Monzo or Cooperative Bank.

Now that your current account is sorted, it’s time to put your savings, inheritance and/or piles of cash to work. If you want a zero fuss, fully managed service, you can’t go wrong with one of the UK’s best ethical investment platforms.

If you’re looking for a bit more flexibility in how your money is invested, the ethical investment portfolio below is a good place to start.

Ethical investment portfolio

If you’re new to investing, brace yourself for an old fashioned world of jargon and values. If you know your funds, ETFs and trusts, this simple ethical portfolio is a well-balanced growth portfolio (80/20 stocks/bonds) with a typical asset allocation spread for UK investors.

This Notion doc allows copy/templating for your own use:

Ethical investment list

Please note this is not considered financial advice. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


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