Refetch was founded in 2019 after the single-use plastic crisis became mainstream news. After many hours of research, we decided to publish our findings as a resource website to help others on their journey for going plastic-free or even zero waste.
Not sure where to begin? Product swaps are an easy way to make little changes around the home; check out our 3 plastic-free product swaps to get you started.
If you’re looking for a refill shop near you, browse the dedicated refill shop section, or you can search for a zero waste refill shop by town/city.
Once you’ve achieved a plastic-free home, why not turn your attention towards sustainable investments and put your money where your mouth is? Socially responsible investing has become a significant theme in the world of investments, something you might not be immediately interested in but you could be investing unethically without actually realising via your workplace pension or current account.
Refetch is made by Nick Seagrave, a marketing and digital specialist based in Devoran, Cornwall. Please get in touch if you’d like to work together.
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